Dear people of the Earth,
Every person is of great value. All people contribute to the growth of love.
We see more and more people becoming aware of love, of allowing love to flow. It is actually quite simple how it works on Earth. There is Love that flows, and there is Fear that sometimes holds it back. Fear of losing love. There are also people on Earth who have known little love and, therefore, find the feeling of love quite overwhelming. They cannot receive it. They are afraid of it. The incredibly beautiful light of love is too bright for them.
These people can choose to let go of their fear and allow love to come in. That is a choice every person can make. And sometimes, people are unable to feel it. Even those people should be respected. Everyone deserves to take care of themselves. Take care of your beautiful light. Take care of your heart that radiates this light. Take care of your body that shines this light.
Dear, dear people, take good care of yourself. Breathe in the light and love, completely relax, and with your exhale, release all fear. If you move through your day with this intention, you will see your light and love for everything grow, and you will fully blossom. Let the Earth carry your fear. She can transform everything into love. The Earth has much love to give and can turn everything into light.
This was the message of Love.
From our realm of light and love, to your beautiful, radiant hearts.
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