Message from Mother Earth

Gepubliceerd op 5 september 2024 om 09:08

Oh beautiful woman, how much we love you. You give so much energy, love, and admiration to me and everything that lives within me. It is so beautiful what you give.
Yes, I am Mother Earth. You are valuable to me. You may not always see it yourself, but I can share my message with you.
You can be a channel for whatever you desire. It makes no difference to you. Is this what you want, Anita?

Yes, I enjoy the beauty of the flowers, the trees, and the animals. Just wonderful. I do want to be a channel.

Mother Earth is doing very well. We are delighted to see how people are becoming more aware of how they can take good care of their health and their bodies. That good self-care also leads to good care for the environment. That the trees and plants also become happy when they are noticed. And admired. That people pause for a moment. Truly pause and take in all the beauty. Without distractions, without noise, just to enjoy. Mother Earth really appreciates that.


Like you now, sitting against this tree. Just being, connecting, and feeling that the tree is alive. That the tree is also aware of you. Go ahead and enjoy that now.

Being present in the moment, feeling what is.
Enjoy, Anita, it is good.

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