Message from the Arcturians 5

Gepubliceerd op 16 augustus 2024 om 11:22

Dear Anita en Nancy

There is a message for both of you. You are people of the light, also known as lightworkers. You have heard the call, loud and clear. The awakening, feeling the call—that is what you have done. Often, the next phase is one of refusal. It feels so immense, it lays bare your deepest fears. And that is a good thing. When you are in that phase, you see darkness, it feels heavy, it is daunting, and it can be frightening.

But this phase will also pass. Know that this is growing pain. The ego, the fear, does not want you to change. It would rather keep everything the same. But the Earth, her inhabitants, need you. You are needed as channels, as conduits for the energy. With your incarnation, you desired this very much. You wanted to leap and be a channel. You have found each other and need each other to help one another.

The next phase is approaching. The question is whether you dare to take the leap. Do you, with all your being, want to choose this call? The call of the Earth and her inhabitants? To help make this place even more beautiful than it already is? To show people that there is more than most of Earth’s inhabitants realize?

Yes, your soul has already said yes. And now you are ascending the staircase of this awareness, an eight-step staircase. Sometimes you go up a few steps, and sometimes you go back down one. The phase of refusal is intense. We see you struggling. But keep believing in the Light and the Love. The love for your beautiful beings is so incredibly immense. The entire Arcturian population watches with admiration at the unique spectacle of Earth, of the ascension from the third dimension to the fifth. And that the light beings, that is you, can remain here during this process. Yes, that is it. Humanity has now chosen the Light. It is done. What you experience as fear is in the collective, and it is the last convulsions of those beings that want to stop this.

Believe in Love and the Light. Take good care of yourselves and each other, dear women. We support you always and everywhere. Feel our Love flowing through you now. Open your heart, both front and back. Feel it swirling open both in the front and in the back. Feel the Love that can flow into your heart because of this, our Love. Feel it. Breathe it in. Sink into your heart. And carry this Love outward. Do not be afraid to show Love. The resistance to Love is ignorance and the fear of people to place the ego/mind below the feeling in your heart. Yes, it can take second place. Your heart can feel and be listened to. And in the silence of nature, in the peace within yourself, there you will find Love. Through the deepest pains and fears, you both will find this Power.

Believe, believe, believe, dear women. We love you so much.


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